Wilko Equal Pay Grievance

GMB Reps and members have identified potential discrimination that is currently happening in Wilko. We believe that the work done by some members in the retail stores is of equal value of the work that is done by some members in distribution centres. This means that we believe that members may have an equal pay claim.

We are now launching a collective grievance over the issue of Equal Pay.

Signing the collective grievance does NOT mean you are lodging a claim against Wilko for Equal Pay. This is not something GMB have currently started, we would rather try working with Wilko to put this right first.

Does this mean I am going to get more money?

At this stage we are not able to say for sure.  We have identified that Equal Pay is a potential issue in Wilko, and we are collecting signatures on a collective grievance to submit to the company to initiate discussions with them.

How do I know if my job is included in any potential claim?

Right now, we are not ruling out any specific jobs in the retail side of Wilko.  We will likely be much more specific about anyone who is in scope or not in scope for a potential claim if we need to later down the line.

How do we know the work done in stores is of equal value to the work done in distribution centres?

We have had many conversations with reps about what their jobs entail and have brought that evidence forward to solicitors.

What happens next?

Sign the collective grievance below! If you want to get involved in the campaign, please contact your local rep.