Surrey Choices Indicative Ballot 2023

GMB have been in communication with Surrey Choices about your pay award for 2023-24.  This involves us initially submitting a pay claim asking for a wage increase, before management submitted a response to us by way of an offer.

You can read our pay claim document here and the management response here.

In summary, GMB requested that pay, terms and conditions be brought in line with colleagues doing work of equivalent value within Surrey County Council. The management response is to offer a pay rise on a sliding scale, but equating to up to 10% for staff on lower pay grades.  You can see what this offer would mean for you by consulting their table here.

Please take the time to examine these documents and vote below on whether you wish to accept or reject this pay offer.

Surrey Choices have said they will not be entering into negotiations, so any rejection of the offer would be a vote to proceed to a formal industrial action ballot.

The ballot is open now and closes at 12noon on Friday 10th March.