GLF Schools Associate Pay Ballot 2023/24

Following a meeting with GLF Management on Friday 19th May, we asked the Multi Academy Trust Board to reconsider their pay offer for Associate Staff for 2023/24 on the back of the rejected pay offer by GMB members. Unfortunately, after consideration the Trust Board have not improved their offer and their formal response is set out in the attached letter which you can read here.

Now that pay negotiations are at an end and the Trust Board are seeking to implement the rejected offer from July 2023 payroll, we are conducting a consultative ballot of our members to see if you wish to consider taking strike action in order to bring your employer back to the negotiating table and seek an improvement on the pay offer for this year.

In order to progress this, we need as many members as possible to vote and express your intention in the ballot. If a sufficient number of members vote (at least 50 per cent) and two thirds vote in favour of strike action, we will inform GLF that we will move forward to conducting a formal ballot for industrial action which is required under UK law.

We will also consult with members that are affected by the London Weighting proposals separately.

Please vote below.  The ballot will close at 12noon on Tuesday 27th June.