Young Epilepsy Pay Ballot 2022

GMB union has been negotiating on your behalf for the best possible pay rise for you from Young Epilepsy.

We have had confirmation from senior management that the offer made via email from Mark Devlin in May is the best and final offer that the company can make.  This offer is:

  • For all roles up to and including pay point 20, a 5% pay increase will be awarded on base pay.
  • For all other roles above this pay point, a 3% pay increase will be awarded on base pay.

Following negotiations, Young Epilepsy senior management have made a commitment to review pay rates again in January 2023, with the commitment to include GMB as part of that process. We have also made representations about working hours and shift patterns within Young Epilepsy as identified in your survey.

Due to the offer being below the current rate of inflation (12.3% RPI July 2022), GMB are not able to recommend this offer.  If you choose to reject the offer, this would give a clear indication that you wish to enter into dispute with Young Epilepsy which could include industrial action should the outcome of any ballot be sufficient.

Please vote on this offer by completing the below electronic ballot form by next Wednesday (31st August).