Wessex Water Pay Ballot 2023

Your GMB Representatives can confirm that after months of negotiations, we have now reached an outcome to pay negotiations with the company.

We rejected previous offers from the company as they fell way short of the expectations and mandate given to us by our members.

We believe that the following 1-year offer is the best that can be achieved through negotiations:

  1. The pay offer is an uplift of 7.2% over 15 months (effective from 1st January 2023)
  2. Pay offer equivalent to a 9% increase on pay and associated premiums (7.2% consolidated pay uplift & 1.8% for the additional 3 months)
  3. The set pay anniversary date is 1st April – GMB have negotiated this to be awarded 3 months earlier to increase the real-terms value of the award to 9%

Please indicate below whether you vote to accept or reject the offer?

The ballot will close on Friday 24th February at 12.00 noon

We will announce the ballot result soon after the votes have been counted.