GMB SWAST Ballot on end of shift and meal break arrangements

Following the introduction of the new Emergency Change to End of Shift Arrangements and Meal Breaks in Response to the significant and sustained demand within the Southwest SOP, GMB has some important information for you.

Please find your full GMB Update here:

Please read the Emergency Change to End of Shift Arrangements and Meal Breaks in Response to the significant and sustained demand within the South West SOP if you haven’t already at, and then take the time to vote on whether you accept the new SOP as presented by the Trust and Unison. 

It’s YOU that will be working to this SOP, and it’s YOU that could be affected in doing so, so GMB ask that YOU take the time and responsibility to vote on things that affect YOU.

The ballot will close at 12.30pm on Friday 30th July, at which time GMB will update both the Trust and you as members of the outcome of that vote, and any next steps that are necessary.