S42 Southampton Transport Branch Secretary Election

GMB Southampton Transport Branch have been looking to elect a new Branch Secretary and there are two candidates who have put their names forward.

Please take the time to read the statements from the two members and vote using the form below.



Sroop Bhakar

I wish to be the Branch Secretary as I have done the job before and feel I have good understanding of the membership. I would look to have at least four branch meetings a year, I also speak three languages which I hope would help with the diversity in the branch. I will try and supply as much information to the membership and feel the best way forward is keeping the membership involved as much as possible. I am experienced, hard working and dedicated.


John Lawley

I believe I would make a good Branch Secretary with my dogged determination, attention to detail, honesty and my good working knowledge of rules, laws and agreements pertaining to the transport industry and labour sectors gleaned from 20 years of experience in the industry.