GMB Southern in the NHS - Update Your Details!

GMB Southern Region would like to thank our members for voting in such numbers in our indicative ballot about your pay award in the NHS and Ambulance service.  You voted overwhelmingly to REJECT the 3% and we will shortly be moving to a formal industrial action ballot, so keep your eyes open for a ballot paper winging its way to you in the post over the next few weeks.

What we need from you in the meantime is for you to ensure that the details we have for you is accurate.  If we do not have accurate records of where you live and work, we won't be able to get our ballot paper to you, or worse, we may not be able to lawfully ballot you as the employer can put in a legal challenge to prevent you and all your colleagues taking any action.

Please fill in the below and make sure you have your say on pay, so we can force the government back around the negotiating table, and win you a pay rise that properly rewards your hard work over the last 18 months and reflects that you haven't had a proper pay rise in a decade.