Moredon Primary and Nursery School Ballot

GMB has been informed that the school is requiring Teaching Assistants to go onto a rota to cover MDSA duties.  This is replacing a voluntary system, where TAs had a choice whether or not to cover MDSA duties. 

GMB's firm view is that your contract and your TA job description do not include MDSA duties.  References to carrying out lunchtime duties as a reasonable management request relate only to work in scope of your TA duties.  This cannot be used to justify asking you to carry out the duties of an entirely different job role, such as MDSA roles.  Requiring you to compulsorily undertake MDSA duties is a contractual change, where the employer needs to consult with the unions prior to making any change, and where you have a choice whether or not to accept.  They cannot just impose a contract change.

Stonehenge School in Amesbury attempted to make almost exactly the same change in 2024, and GMB defeated the proposal. This was possible because the staff felt very strongly about it, and stood together. 

GMB will be writing to both your head teacher, and TWHF HR department saying that this is a contractual change, and that GMB has not agreed the change, and that there needs to be consultation.  Obviously GMB would only accept any contractual change if you agree to it.

GMB's advice is that if you are not happy for your contract to be changed to include MDSA duties, you should email the head to say that you do not agree to a voluntary contractual variation, and that if you are required to undertake MDSA duties on a compulsory basis, then this is under duress.

We are also undertaking a ballot of our members at Moredon Primary and Nursery School to give you the opportunity to vote whether you accept or reject this proposed change.

Please vote using the below electronic ballot before 12noon on Friday 7th February.