GMB supporting Brighton demo for fair pay for nurses

GMB stands with all NHS and care staff and would send a message to this government that it’s time to settle the bill for over 10 years of below-inflation pay awards
GMB, the union for NHS workers, is supporting a demonstration on Saturday 8th August to campaign for a decent pay rise for NHS nurses and frontline workers.
The demonstration will march from Royal Sussex Hospital to the Levels, and will be sure to be safe, with social distancing employed at all times and face coverings being worn where appropriate. Several speakers will then address the rally, giving personal stories about working for the NHS over the past ten years of pay freezes and below-inflation pay rises.
This rally, which has been co-organised by nurse and GMB member Kelly Robbins, is one of a number taking place around the country, and is just the start of a campaign to see pay justice for all those who have saved countless lives during the pandemic, despite the risk to themselves and their families.
Full details of the demonstration are as follows:
Saturday 8th August at 11am
Outside Royal Sussex County Hospital, Eastern Road, Brighton, BN2 5BE
Kelly Robbins, Nurse and GMB member said: “In response to this government’s announcement regarding ‘the unprecedented challenges of coronavirus and recognising the efforts of the front line,’ pay increases were awarded across the public sector, yet failing to include the majority of the NHS workforce, despite them truly being at the helm of the pandemic frontline.
“We have worked when we've wanted to be at home and our family have needed us; we have stayed in hotels to protect our families. We have all worked throughout this and many of us, both before and during the pandemic, often end up working extra hours each week without being paid. We put our lives at risk. We have been under pressure.
“This event is against the government's decision to leave NHS staff out of the recent pay increases in recognition of our hard work both before and during the pandemic.
Gary Palmer, GMB Regional Organiser said: “Whilst the richly deserved weekly clapping and pot bashing has been heart-warming and welcomed, you can’t use it to pay for food at a supermarket, fuel bills, mortgage or rent.
“Continued poverty pay is no thank you for these staff members’ continued selfless actions. GMB stands with all NHS and care staff and would send a message to this government that it’s time to settle the bill for over 10 years of below-inflation pay awards and indeed pay freezes. We need to say thank you on our behalf from a grateful nation, not move towards an American-style hospital sell-off.”
“GMB are working hard to engage with the Government’s pay review body to discuss a real pay rise, but if we as a nation honestly recognise, appreciate and value the high level of care and selflessness that NHS staff and carers have provide us, then it’s time to ensure that their pay reflects our admiration. NHS staff only want what they have missed out over the last 10 years or so and that can for many, depending on banding, range from 10 to 14% in real terms.
“Time and time again, the NHS and those who work in it come to our aid. This time they are asking for us to come to theirs. It will be a national disgrace if we don’t come out to do so.”
Contact: Gary Palmer on 07552 165 950