GMB Union protest on 3 October against Housing Solutions Ltd proposal to change pension scheme and cut pay

“Housing Solutions Ltd proposed to close access to the Local Government Pension scheme and introduce a new inferior scheme which will leave our members in pensioner poverty”, says GMB Southern Region
GMB Union members will hold a demonstration outside Housing Solutions Ltd, Maidenhead on 3 October at 7.30am in protest over proposed pay cuts and pension changes. Housing Solutions Ltd develops, owns, rents, services, repairs and manages affordable homes in the UK and are based in West Berkshire, Maidenhead.
Details of the protest are as follows:
Crown House
Waldeck Road
Maidenhead SL6 8BY
Asia Allison, GMB Regional Organiser said: "Housing Solutions Ltd proposed to close access to the Local Government Pension scheme and introduce a new inferior scheme which will leave our members in pensioner poverty.
"Moreover, Housing Solutions Ltd proposed a 42 hour working week but will only allow our members to work 40 hours to make necessary savings to the budget.
"This proposal is outrageous and in real terms it is a pay cut to our members pay.
"Increase in hours for the same pay could possibly equal to 330 days of unpaid work as minimum profit figure for Housing Solutions Ltd.
"There are a few more proposals on the table which are equally as outrageous.
"GMB members are furious at the plans and morale is plunging as a result of these proposals.
"Members are tirelessly working to ensure appointments are met in a timely manner providing the highest, professional service to tenants, the company remains buoyant and its good name remains intact.
"However, angry GMB Reps and members are standing firmly together in solidarity against these proposed cuts and are saying "enough is enough".
"GMB are calling on Housing Solutions Ltd to withdraw their draconian proposals to GMB members terms and conditions and to get back around the table to come up with alternatives."
Contact: Asia Allison on 07813541930 or or GMB Southern Press Office on 0758 303 9451