GMB condemn East Sussex Healthcare Trust over staff parking fines

"If the Trust truly believes the wellbeing of staff is paramount, then stop chasing staff for any part of outstanding fines", say GMB Southern Region
GMB, the union for all NHS workers, are calling on ESHT Chief Executive Joe Chadwick-Bell to do the right thing and cancel all outstanding parking fines and unfair charges.
The call comes after GMB learned of hardworking staff within the Trust facing debt recovery companies and thousands of pounds of fines and court costs, all after parking in the Trust’s car park, which the Trust are refusing to cancel.
A letter from Trust Chief Executive Joe Chadwick-Bell informs affected NHS staff that although the court cases and threats of visits by bailiffs have been halted, staff will still have to pay the original disputed unfair penalty notices and any court costs the Trust has already incurred chasing the parking fines. Mr Chadwick-Bell then goes on to apologise for the additional worry and stress that all the legal processes will have caused, stating that the wellbeing of staff for the trust is paramount.
Gary Palmer, GMB Regional Organiser said: "The Trust's Jekyll and Hyde approach just isn’t going to wash with GMB members. A ‘we appreciate you, yet still intend fine you’ approach is just not good enough.
"What the Trust has once again failed to grasp is that parking charges for all NHS staff at work should always be free - let alone how wrong it was to then fine them and then employ a company to hound and threaten them with bailiffs and court action.
"Our members are now awaiting personal letters explaining just how much the Trust think they still owe. They have continually offered to pay the original day rate parking costs, which were missed for a variety of reasons including ticket machines not working, and poorly marked staff parking zones.
"But that doesn’t appear to enough for the Trust as they still want the best of both worlds. They want a dedicated, caring workforce, who they in return can make not just pay for the privilege of being at work, but then be used as a cash cow by extorting parking fines and charges to help fill the trust coffers.
"Well done ESHT, with yet another ‘Thank You’ for our NHS Heroes. Our members can put this alongside all of the claps and Tory platitudes as their rewards for everything they do for us. The real shame is that this time it’s their own employer, who should know better.
"If the Trust truly believes the wellbeing of staff is paramount, then stop chasing staff for any part of outstanding fines."
Contact: Gary Palmer on 07552 1659 50 or