
'National Scandal' that Black Women five times more likely to die in pregnancy and childbirth

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There is a disparity in the care received by pregnant black women, and it needs to change, says GMB 

GMB Congress challenges the government commit to funding the changes needed to improve healthcare solutions for black women. 

The union yesterday [13 June] passed a motion which highlighted the gross disparity between maternity care received in the UK by black and minority ethnic women compared to their white counterparts. 

Congress heard that reports have cited many examples of clinicians withholding pain relief from black women during childbirth. 

In an emotional speech, GMB delegate Ava Payne relayed her personal story and received a standing ovation. 

Ava Payne, GMB delegate said: 

“Black women in the UK are five times more likely to die during pregnancy and after childbirth than white women. 

“This is a bleak picture which has not changed in over a decade or maybe longer. 

“I have been pregnant six times, so effectively I dodged that bullet five times. 

“My babies weren’t so lucky – they became a statistic.  I only have one birth child. 

“There is a disparity in the care received by black women, and it needs to change. 

“It is a national scandal.”