GMB will fight job losses if Swindon schools forced into Multi Academy Trusts

Proposals will see council income drop of £122,000 per year – key job roles will almost certainly be lost, says GMB Union
GMB, the leading education union for school support staff, has announced it will fight any job losses arising from Swindon Borough council’s academy merger scheme.
The local authority plans to transfer 25 council schools and 18 schools currently operating as standalone Academies into Multi Academy Trusts.
The proposal is being voted on by the Conservative council’s cabinet on the evening of Wednesday 13 October, and follows a government recommendation.
Andy Newman, GMB branch secretary said:
“We know that for most parents, they don’t really care how their school is governed, they just want the school to be properly funded and well run.
“There are plenty of great schools in Swindon run by the council, as well as great schools run as academies, or part of a multi academy trust.
“However, we are deeply concerned that the proposal being considered by the council cabinet does not guarantee that staffing levels will be maintained in the schools which will be transferred out of council control.
“Furthermore, the council education service is ultimately democratically accountable to the voters and we worry that multi academy trusts have less local scrutiny from council officials.
“The proposals will lead to a drop of income for the council of £122,000 per year, which currently funds the services for education and key job roles will almost certainly be lost.
“GMB will consult members in the schools and we reassure all school staff GMB is on their side to ensure that they are not negatively affected by this period of change.”
Media enquiries: GMB Press Office on 07958 156846 or at
Notes to Editors:
Within Swindon there are 11 Multi Academy Trusts, and 18 schools operating as stand alone Academies.
Swindon Borough Council has 25 maintained schools, 23 of which are primary schools, plus one offering Alternative Provisions, and one special school for pupils with special needs or disabilities.
All 25 maintained (council run) schools and the 18 stand alone Academies will be transferred to a multi academy trust.
Currently, the 25 maintained schools pay a pupil premium for traded council services, and if all of these schools left the council, there would be a drop of income of £122000 to Swindon Borough Council, according to council figures, which would pressurise the services offered by the council, and would lead to job losses.