GMB slams NSL parking for 'tricking' staff into dishing out almost 5,000 invalid tickets on Westminster

Parking company should be stripped of contract after back-dating risk assessments, leaving staff with no hand sanitiser and paying sick staff a pittance, says GMB Union
NSL parking attendants in Westminster have been ‘tricked’ into handing out thousands of invalid tickets, GMB Union has said.
A risk assessment from the company says parking wardens should not issue PCN’s in the Westminster contract.
Staff were not made aware – the risk assessment was placed on the wall of one base for one day before being taken down – meaning almost 5,000 parking tickets were issued in a month.
GMB is urging members of the public given PCNs on or after 24 March now to contact the council.
Meanwhile NSL has left parking attendants working with no hand sanitiser and is paying them a pittance if they contract Covid-19.
To add insult to injury, management has provided GMB with health and safety documents which appear to be falsely back dated by a month.
Paul Grafton, GMB Regional Organiser, said: “The behaviour of NSL demonstrates the perfect poor employer.
“They’ve essentially tricked staff into dishing out thousands of invalid parking tickets – which will no doubt make people who’ve received them furious.
“Anyone who was given a ticket after March 24 can reasonably ask if they are legally obliged to pay them.
“NLS have poor health and safety practices and if staff become ill and have been left unable to pay their bills or feed their families because of inadequate sick pay.”
“Now we find the manager Mr Micah Harris appears to have been falsifying health and safety documents.
“Is this company fit to run such a lucrative contract or indeed any contract if this is how they behave?
“GMB is calling upon Westminster Council to bring the contract back in house with immediate effect.”
Media enquiries: Paul Grafton on 07714 239092 or GMB Press Office on 07958 156846 or at