GMB union slams Wandsworth parking contractor for shunning talks

It’s bad enough that NSL are ignoring us, but to refuse to talk to ACAS really demonstrates how seriously they are taking this dispute, says GMB
GMB, the union for local government, have slammed the decision by NSL, Wandsworth Council’s parking contractor, to avoid talks with the union.
The union understands that ACAS, the government’s conciliatory body have been attempting to contact NSL management for a week, with no reply.
GMB officials are once again calling for Wandsworth Council to intervene in the dispute, which is costing the council thousands of pounds per day.
Paul Grafton, GMB Regional Organiser said:
“It’s bad enough that NSL are ignoring us, but to refuse to talk to ACAS really demonstrates how seriously they are taking this dispute.
“This dispute is win-win for NSL though – they don’t have to pay the wages of anyone on strike, but any revenue lost due to tickets not being issued falls at the feet of the council.
“GMB would like to once again ask Wandsworth Council how they are planning to make up the budgetary shortfall this dispute is causing – will it be through a Council Tax hike or by cuts to local services?
“The contract ultimately needs bringing back in-house to be council-run, but the immediate priority is for either the council or NSL, or both, to agree to meet us, with or without ACAS present, so we can discuss a sensible pay offer so we can put this dispute to bed.”
Contact: Paul Grafton on 07714239092